New York to Shannon Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Flights from New York to Shannon

Can I fly direct from New York to Shannon? Yes, Aer Lingus operates a daily direct flight from New York to Shannon. Upgrade to a business class ticket on your flight from New York and take a break at the Aer Lingus lounge at JFK. With shower facilities and complimentary meal and drink service, relaxing at our lounge at JFK will give you a true taste of Irish hospitality.

Why fly New York to Shannon with Aer Lingus?

Book your flight to Shannon from New York with Aer Lingus and enjoy a warm Irish welcome onboard with complimentary meal and beverage service as well as a wide range of blockbuster movies, classic films, TV programmes and box sets or music videos at your leisure. Play games or stay connected with Wi-Fi and our mobile network inflight.

In addition to its extensive European and UK services, Shannon Airport is the only airport along the Wild Atlantic Way touring route to offer transatlantic flights, offering operating services to several destinations. If you’re concentrating most of your time in Dublin city and Northern Ireland, you should fly in and out of Dublin. There are benefits to flying into Shannon from New York. If you really want to see the west or southwest of Ireland, if your plans are to explore that side of the country, Shannon will be a better fit. If your itinerary has you seeing a little bit of everything, fly into one airport and out of the other.

How long is the flight from New York to Shannon?

The total flight time from New York to Shannon is 6 hours and 5 minutes. The total distance is 3079 miles; 4955 km.

How much is a flight from New York to Shannon?

The price of a flight from New York to Shannon ranges depending on the time of year. Flights on Aer Lingus cost from $574 roundtrip.

When is the Cheapest Time of Year to Fly to Shannon? 

The cheapest time of year to buy flights from New York to Shannon is early Spring or late Fall but our advice if you are planning to fly New York to Shannon is to keep visiting us at to ensure you do not miss these fares.

What is the best day to Book flights from New York to Shannon? 

Aer Lingus often releases Sale fares on Tuesdays, making this the best day to book cheap flights to Shannon from New York. Our advice if you are planning to fly from New York to Shannon is to keep visiting us at to ensure you do not miss these fares.

What plane does Aer Lingus use from New York to Shannon?

The Airbus A330-300 is the largest aircraft in the Aer Lingus fleet. It flies between North American and United Kingdom destinations. The Economy cabin in our A330 aircraft is fitted with Recaro seats ensuring a 31" pitch while the A330 Business Cabin is furnished with a fully lie-flat 6.5ft long bed. And with a width of 22 inches, you'll have plenty of room to stretch out as you dream your way across the Atlantic.

Do I need a Visa to visit Shannon?

A visa is not required for either tourist or business stays. You’ll need to comply with all government travel requirements. Please view specific documentation requirements on the U.S. Department of State's website. U.S. citizens don’t require transit visas to connect through Ireland into Europe.

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Book New York to Shannon flight deals*

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FromNew York (JFK)ToShannon (SNN)Roundtrip*
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* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.