Dublin to Seattle Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Dublin to Seattle Flights

Fly from Dublin to Seattle with Aer Lingus and visit one of the US's coolest cities.

Flying to Seattle with Aer Lingus

Fly with Aer Lingus from Dublin to Seattle and you can benefit from pre-clearance, so when you arrive you can collect your luggage and go. We have a range of luggage options to choose from when you book so you will have everything for a great holiday in Seattle no matter when you go. We also make flying safe and easy with online check in, contactless boarding and safety protocols to protect your health and wellbeing. Once on board your transatlantic flight, sit back, relax and enjoy our 4* service including a warm Irish welcome, in-flight entertainment and food and beverage service.

Dublin to Seattle Flight Time.

The total flight time from Dublin to Seattle is approximately 9 hours and 55 minutes.

When is the Cheapest Time of Year to Fly to Seattle? 

Cheap flights from Dublin to Seattle can be bought throughout December right through to March. The winter months offer an excellent opportunity for a cheap getaway to this beautiful city.

 How do you find the cheapest flights from Dublin to Seattle with Aer Lingus?

  1. Book your flights through our website
  2. Sign-up to the Aer Lingus newsletter for information on upcoming sales
  3. Collect Avos points by becoming an AerClub member
  4. Fly at less busy times or mid-week

What is the best day to Book flights from Dublin to Seattle? 

Aer Lingus often releases Sale fares on Tuesdays, making this the best day to book cheap flights to Seattle from Dublin. Our advice if you are planning to fly Dublin to Seattle is to keep visiting us at Aerlingus.com to ensure you do not miss these fares. 

How Much is a Flight from Dublin to Seattle? 

Flights to Lisbon during the Winter season start from €215 each way per person. Fares are based on availability and season. Our recommendation to get the best price fare is to book early and then start planning your trip. Always check our website for the most recent fares.

What to see in Seattle?

Seattle must rank as one of America's hippest cities. There are so many reasons to visit this hub of creativity, enterprise, and amazing views. The list below is only the beginning:

  1. Space Needle: Get a birds eye view of Seattle from the 'top house' of one of the most recognisable landmarks in the world. Built for the World's Fair in the 1960's the Space Needle offers panoramic views of the city and mountains beyond from over 500 feet up.
  2. Pike Place Market: most famous as the home of the original Starbucks coffee, Pike Place Market is a large farmers market selling some of the freshest produce in the city. It is also home to some wonderful bars, restaurants, and a craft market, making it a must visit while in Seattle.
  3. Museum of Pop Culture: From music to fashion to tattoos, this museum is anything but boring. Expect extensive exhibitions on everything from local legends Nirvana to science fiction with lots of interactivity to keep the whole family entertained.
  4. Seattle Grunge Tour: if you are a fan of grunge music, do not miss out on a walking tour of some of the most iconic locations where your favourite musicians played, practiced, and lived.

Some Related Reads on Seattle

Behind the scenes: Take a tour of Seattle and the Pacific Northwest

The 7 most Instagrammable spots in Seattle

Road Trip: Seattle and the Olympic Peninsula

12 incredible things to do in Seattle

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Book Dublin to Seattle flight deals*

FromDublin (DUB)ToSeattle (SEA)Each way
6 Nov 2024 - 13 Nov 2024



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FromDublin (DUB)ToSeattle (SEA)Each way
24 Nov 2024 - 4 Dec 2024



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FromDublin (DUB)ToSeattle (SEA)Each way
24 Nov 2024 - 2 Dec 2024



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FromDublin (DUB)ToSeattle (SEA)Each way
11 Nov 2024 - 22 Nov 2024



Seen: 1 day ago

FromDublin (DUB)ToSeattle (SEA)Each way
18 Nov 2024 - 27 Nov 2024



Seen: 1 day ago

* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.