Dublin to Lanzarote Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Flights from Dublin to Lanzarote

Aer Lingus offers several flights per week between Dublin (DUB) and Lanzarote (ACE). Book your next trip with confidence and enjoy a sunny holiday break off the coast of Africa.

Why fly Dublin to Lanzarote with Aer Lingus?

Lanzarote is a Canary Island located just off the coast of Africa. It's well known for its black and white beaches, as well as its unique volcanic landscapes. Lanzarote has warm weather all year round, making it an ideal vacation destination no matter when you go. The average temperature in January is 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit), while the average temperature in August is 27 degrees Celsius (81 degrees Fahrenheit). So whether you're looking to escape the cold winter months or enjoy a summer vacation in the sun, Lanzarote is the perfect place for you.

How long is the flight from Dublin (DUB) to Lanzarote (ACE)

It takes approximately 3 hours 56 minutes to fly from Dublin to Lanzarote. Be sure that we will look after you during this flight. Enjoy fantastic service from our award-winning iconic airline.

When is the Cheapest Time of Year to Fly to Lanzarote? 

Cheap flights from Dublin to Lanzarote can be bought throughout December and January. The winter months offer an excellent opportunity for a cheap getaway to warmer weather.

What is the best day to Book flights from Dublin to Lanzarote? 

Aer Lingus often releases Sale fares on Tuesdays, making this the best day to book cheap flights to Lanzarote from Dublin. Our advice if you are planning to fly Dublin to Lanzarote is to keep visiting us at Aerlingus.com to ensure you do not miss these fares. 

How Much is a Flight from Dublin to Lanzarote? 

Flights to Lanzarote during the Winter season start from €69 each way per person. Fares are based on availability and season. Our recommendation to get the best price fare is to book early and then start planning your trip. Always check our website for the most recent fares.

Package Holidays to Lanzarote

Lanzarote has something for everyone. But what's the best way to book your holiday to this Canary Island? Should you go for a package holiday or try to piece together your own bespoke trip?  The big advantage of booking a package holiday is that everything is taken care of for you. All you need to do is turn up and enjoy. Of course, the downside of package holidays is that you don't have quite as much flexibility as you would if you were booking everything yourself. For example, you may be limited in terms of the hotels or apartments you can stay in or the flights you can take. And if you want to add any extras to your trip (such as excursions or upgraded hotel rooms), you may have to pay more than if you'd booked them yourself direct.

Things to do and places to see during your Holidays to Lanzarote

Lanzarote is a popular holiday destination. It's a Spanish island located 125km off the coast of Africa. Population wise, it's the biggest Canary Island after Tenerife and Gran Canaria. Fantastic weather all year round and a pretty easy connection from Europe makes Lanzarote an attractive option for lazy, sunny holidays. See our top picks of things to do below:

  1. Beaches: Lanzarote has a number of sandy beaches. Playa Chica is a small enclosed beach at the north end of the island. Great for chilling and snorkelling. Famara is another beautiful beach worth checking out. If you fancy nudist sun tanning, head to Charco del Palo beach.
  2. Mountains of Fire: Montañas del Fuego are located in the Timanfaya National Park. The park offers a raw, "out of this world" landscape with some live volcanic activity. It's an unforgettable experience indeed.
  3. An Underwater Paradise: Museo Atlantico is located in Playa Blanca and it's the first underwater museum in Europe. A collection of figures and sculptures were built underwater by Jason deCaires Taylor - it's a divers' paradise. The diving depth takes around 15 minutes, which makes it easy for beginners to achieve. You can take a quick diving course on-site and dive the same day.

Some Related Reads on Lanzarote

Let’s Fly… Lanzarote with Vogue Williams

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Book Dublin to Lanzarote flight deals*

FromDublin (DUB)ToLanzarote (ACE)One way
Depart: 27 Nov 2024



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FromDublin (DUB)ToLanzarote (ACE)One way
Depart: 18 Mar 2025



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FromDublin (DUB)ToLanzarote (ACE)One way
Depart: 9 Dec 2024



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FromDublin (DUB)ToLanzarote (ACE)One way
Depart: 10 Dec 2024



Seen: 12 hrs ago

FromDublin (DUB)ToLanzarote (ACE)One way
Depart: 11 Dec 2024



Seen: 12 hrs ago

* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.

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