Dublin to Faro Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Aer Lingus flights to Faro

Aer Lingus offers flights to Faro (FAO) and Lisbon (LIS) from Dublin.

Why fly Dublin to Faro with Aer Lingus?

We've relaxed our booking policy for your convenience. Enjoy a safe and convenient flight and a warm Irish welcome on board.

How long is the flight from Dublin to Faro?

The total flight time to Faro from Dublin is around 2 hours and 55 minutes. Please add additional time to allow for check-in and airport security.

Things to do and places to see in Faro, Portugal

Faro is the largest city in the Algarve and the gateway to southern Portugal. Faro is best known for its turquoise Atlantic waters. A beach lover's paradise, its mild climate offers year-round fun in the sun. There are plenty of things to do in Faro. See our top picks of things to do below:

  • Faro Cathedral: A beautiful old church completed in 1251 was damaged by an earthquake in 1755. Today, it offers a selection of Renaissance, Gothic and Baroque architectural structure.
  • Ilha de Faro beach: is also known as Praia de Faro. It's a 5km strip of sandy beach with beautiful restaurants and cafes. You can easily rent a sunbed, kayak or learn to surf. It's a nice quiet place to relax and read a book while enjoying the sunshine.
  • Palácio de Estói: This attraction is not in Faro city but 10km away in the village of Estoi. It's a small Luxury Hotel located in a beautiful 19th-century palace. The Pousada Palácio de Estoi offers various classically designed gardens where you can take a swim in the outdoor swimming pool or relax on the deck. This is definitely a marvel and worth taking a day trip to admire this fantastic building.

How to get from Faro airport to the city centre

You have a few options. As usual, an airport taxi is the quickest but the most expensive option. A taxi ride to the city will cost you around €15 and will take no longer than 10-15 minutes. There is also a bus - a much cheaper option. It will cost €4.5 and take 20 minutes to get to town. Get # 16 or 14. Buses run between 5 am to 00:10 am

Check out other flights to Portugal

If you haven't decided to visit Faro, you should check out our other flights to Portugal.

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Book Dublin to Faro flight deals*

FromDublin (DUB)ToFaro (FAO)One way
Depart: 23 Oct 2024



Seen: 11 hrs ago

FromDublin (DUB)ToFaro (FAO)One way
Depart: 21 Oct 2024



Seen: 11 hrs ago

FromDublin (DUB)ToFaro (FAO)One way
Depart: 22 Oct 2024



Seen: 11 hrs ago

FromDublin (DUB)ToFaro (FAO)One way
Depart: 3 Nov 2024



Seen: 40 minutes ago

FromDublin (DUB)ToFaro (FAO)One way
Depart: 1 Nov 2024



Seen: 40 minutes ago

* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.