Bridgetown to Manchester Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Manchester’s museums and historical sites offer a peek into the United Kingdom’s past, from the Roman Empire to the Industrial Revolution. Explore the city’s fascinating history and then join the locals in cheering on their world-famous football teams when you book your flight to Manchester with Aer Lingus today.

Museums in Manchester

Start your journey in the Classical era by exploring the ruins of the Roman settlement of Mamucium, located along the Bridgwater Canal. Next, arrive in the Middle Ages by way of the Manchester Cathedral and view its beautiful, restored stained-glass windows. Afterward, experience the dawn of modernity at the Science and Industry Museum where you can visit the world’s oldest passenger railway station and hear the deafening sounds of mill machinery.

Manchester Football

Get your game day tickets and see Manchester’s world-famous football teams in action. Pack your red and white face paint and cheer-on Manchester United, or wear your blue and throw your support behind Manchester City. Just don’t get caught supporting both teams! The rivalry between these two is legendary.

Shopping in Manchester

Browse upmarket boutiques for the latest fashions and luxury goods at The Corn Exchange. After sampling the Exchange’s sushi and fine chocolates, head to Afflecks in the Northern Quarter where you’ll find an eclectic mix of handicrafts, vintage and retro clothing, jewellery and costumes. Then check out the Trafford Center, a massive shopping complex with Europe’s largest food court and a breath-taking Great Hall.

Manchester Transportation

Metrolink trams and Metroshuttle buses offer lines throughout the city. Many of the pedestrian signs in Manchester’s city centre include maps with your current position. Be sure to pack comfortable shoes and arrive from your flight to Manchester ready to explore historic streets.

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Book Bridgetown to Manchester flight deals*

FromBridgetown (BGI)ToManchester (MAN)Roundtrip*
1 Nov 2024 - 19 Nov 2024



Seen: 21 hrs ago

* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.

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