London to Boston Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Flights from London to Boston

Aer Lingus offers regular service between London and Boston. Fly from London to Boston with Aer Lingus and look forward to an Irish welcome on board.

Why fly to Boston with Aer Lingus?

Book your flight to Boston with Aer Lingus and enjoy a complimentary in-flight meal and our in-flight entertainment system. We’ve also introduced new, enhanced cleaning procedures and air filtering systems. Enjoy a safe and convenient flight and a warm Irish welcome on board.

How long is the flight from London to Boston?

The total flight time from London to Boston is 6 hours and 35 minutes. The total distance is 3281 miles ; 5280 km.

Things to do and places to see in Boston

One of the oldest cities in the US, Boston is full of historical architecture which sits beautifully against modern skyscrapers. As a holiday destination, it offers a fantastic selection of things to do, particularly if history, culture and gastronomy are your thing. Some of the best things to do on a holiday in Boston include:

Faneuil Hall Marketplace: interested in the history of the USA? Following all or part of the Boston Freedom trail will help you understand more about the foundation of this city, taking in many of its most important landmarks. You need half a day and a very comfortable pair of shoes to truly enjoy this experience.

John F. Kennedy Presidential Museum & Library: although located a little way off the standard tourist trail, if you are interested in the story behind America's 35th President then this is a must-visit. The exhibitions and knowledgeable staff make this museum popular with visitors to Boston.

How to get from Boston International airport to the city centre?

Boston Logan Airport or simply Logan is an international airport located in East Boston and partially in Winthrop. It is a big, modern airport with 6 runways and 4 terminals. It is located only 5 miles from the city centre so it is easy to get to town. There are many transport options at your disposal:

Subway: There is a free shuttle service available at every terminal. The bus runs every 6-8 minutes and will take you to the nearest MBTA subway station. From there you can catch a subway to get to the city. The Blue Line operates from 6 am to 12:30 am every day.

Taxis & Uber: Taxis, Uber and Lyft are all available from Logan International Airport. Apart from the usual fare, you will need to add on any fees for tolls etc. The ride costs $30 and takes approximately 25 minutes to get to town.

Bus: The so-called “T” Transportation Authority runs a bus service (SL1) from the Airport to downtown Boston. The service is free and available at every terminal. It runs from roughly 5:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. every day.

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