Vienna to Dublin Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Why fly Vienna to Dublin with Aer Lingus?

Book your flight to Dublin with Aer Lingus and enjoy fantastic service. We know that travel needs to be flexible so we've got lots of ways to make sure you can change your plans easily. The safety and wellbeing of our guests is our number one priority. 

How long is the flight from Vienna to Dublin?

The total flight time from Vienna to Dublin is 2 hours and 50 minutes. The total distance is 1048 miles ; 1686 km.

Things to do and places to see in Dublin

Founded by the Vikings, Ireland's capital Dublin lies along the River Liffey. Travellers will adore its vibrant nightlife and world-renowned attractions. Book your flight to Dublin with Aer Lingus and experience Irish hospitality as you land in the heart of Ireland. Check out our awesome An Insider's Guide to Dublin

National Museum of Ireland: Start at Natural History, home of the "Dead Zoo." See giant Irish deer skeletons, a basking shark, and meet their mascot, Spotticus the Giraffe. Next, go to Archaeology, where you'll find Viking weapons and medieval treasures. Learn about Iron Age kingship rituals and view their collection of prehistoric gold artefacts. Afterwards, head to Decorative Arts and History. View reconstructed Georgian furnishings, folk art, and Baroque Irish silver.

Discover Ireland's rare copy of the Magna Carta at Christ Church Cathedral and see the famed Book of Kells at Trinity College Library. Later, witness the splendour of the Dublin Castle's state apartments, and explore the medieval undercroft. Afterwards, go to the Dublin Zoo and watch the endangered golden lion tamarins cavorting in the trees.

Shopping in Dublin

Browse Grafton Street's boutiques for the latest trends. Then grab a snack at a cafe and listen to the melodic street buskers. Pick up souvenirs, like Aran sweaters and pottery, over on Nassau Street, and peruse the booksellers on Dawson Street.

How to get from the Dublin airport to the city centre

Situated 10 km north of Dublin, Dublin Airport (DUB) is in Collinstown. Take the Airlink Express bus to travel between the city centre and the airport. The airport is located just off the main M50 motorway surrounding the city of Dublin.

Getting to the Dublin airport is easy and fast. Dublin airport is the biggest airport in Ireland and offers plenty of destinations. Fly to your favourite destination with us. We offer transatlantic connections to main cities in the US, local destinations, regular flights to the UK and Europe.

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Book Vienna to Dublin flight deals*

FromVienna (VIE)ToDublin (DUB)One way
Depart: 5 Dec 2024



Seen: 1 day ago

FromVienna (VIE)ToDublin (DUB)One way
Depart: 23 Oct 2024



Seen: 17 hrs ago

FromVienna (VIE)ToDublin (DUB)One way
Depart: 24 Oct 2024



Seen: 17 hrs ago

FromVienna (VIE)ToDublin (DUB)One way
Depart: 6 Dec 2024



Seen: 1 day ago

FromVienna (VIE)ToDublin (DUB)One way
Depart: 31 Oct 2024



Seen: 14 hrs ago

* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.

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