Shannon to London Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Flights to London

Aer Lingus offers regular service from Shannon to London. 

Why fly to London with Aer Lingus

We know that travel needs to be flexible so we've got lots of ways to make sure you can change your plans easily. The safety and wellbeing of our guests is our number one priority. Enjoy a safe and convenient flight and a warm Irish welcome on board.

How long is the flight from Shannon to London?

The total flight time from Shannon to London is approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes. The total distance is 370 miles/600 km.

Things to do and places to see in London

Officially founded by the Romans, the UK's capital, London, is a hub of international finance, trade, and culture. With ornate palaces and world-class museums and shopping, experience this world capital when you book your flight to London with Aer Lingus.

Museums in London: Explore the world-renowned British Museum. There, immerse yourself in Ancient Egypt as you view the red granite statue of Amenhotep III, the "Pond in a Garden" false fresco, and the famed Rosetta Stone. See the reconstructed Nereid Monument, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, and sketches by da Vinci. After visiting the stegosaurus and stopping by the earthquake simulator at the Natural History Museum, go to the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A). Marvel at the Ceramic Staircase's beautifully painted ceiling, view hand-painted tilework, delicate embroideries, and illuminated manuscripts.

Landmarks in London: Take photos outside Buckingham Palace, experience panoramic city views from atop the London Eye, walk around the Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain at Piccadilly Circus, visit the Tower Bridge and hear Big Ben toll the hours. Then, spend the afternoon in Hyde Park horseback riding, strolling around the Rose Garden and listening to the debaters at Speakers' Corner.

Shopping in London: Browse the trendy boutiques along King's Road and explore London's famed department stores. For luxury goods, visit Sloane Street and Harrods in Knightsbridge.

Getting around London

Pick up a Visitor Oyster Card and take the Tube. If you want to sightsee on the way to your next activity, hop on an iconic double-decker red bus. Rent a bicycle and use the bike lanes that run through Inner London. You can also hail one of the ubiquitous black taxis.

How to get from the airport to the city centre?

There are several options to go from Heathrow Airport to central London, from train and subway to buses and, of course, the traditional black London cabs. Travel time can range from 15min at the Heathrow Express train to over 1 hour by car/taxi, and cost you from $4 to over $70.

London Underground (Tube): Heathrow is connected with the city by tube. The Piccadilly line wraps around the airport connecting all Terminals. It runs every few minutes and will take you to any central location in under 1 hour. It is the quickest and most efficient way of getting to town.

Trains: Non-stop trains run to Paddington every 15 minutes, and the journey time is 15-20 minutes from all Terminals. Worth noting that Paddington is not in the city centre as such. You will need to take another tube ride, taxi or bus to get to the heart of London.

Taxi: There are plenty of taxis outside all terminals. They are very popular at Heathrow so we recommend you book something in advance as you may get stuck waiting for your turn. The ride to town costs £40 - £70 and could take up to 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on traffic.

Buses: The National Express Bus runs from all Heathrow terminals. Buses go to Victoria station or Hammersmith. The cost will range between £5 - £7 and take around 1 hour, depending on traffic.

Do I need a Visa to visit London?

You may need a visa to go to the UK to study, work, visit or join family. There are different visas depending on where you come from, why you want to come to the UK, how long you want to stay and your personal circumstances and skills. Before you apply, you must check if you need a visa and what type you need. Depending on your nationality, you might not need a visa to visit or transit through the UK. Your application must be approved before you travel. See more information on Aer Lingus Passport and Visas.

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* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.

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