Manchester to Chicago Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Flights from Manchester to Chicago

Aer Lingus offers regular service between Manchester and Chicago with a seamless connection in Dublin. Fly from Manchester to Chicago with Aer Lingus and look forward to an Irish welcome on board.

Why fly Manchester to Chicago with Aer Lingus?

Book your flight to Chicago with Aer Lingus and enjoy a complimentary in-flight meal and our in-flight entertainment system. We've also introduced new, enhanced cleaning procedures and air filtering systems. Enjoy a safe and convenient flight and a warm Irish welcome on board.

How long is the flight from Manchester to Chicago?

The total flight time from Manchester to Chicago is approximately 7 hours and 45 minutes. The total distance is 6160km/3830 miles.

Things to do and places to see in Chicago

The largest city in the Midwest, Chicago offers amazing architectural beauty, incredible museums, and some of the best food in the US (including deep pan pizza). The "windy city" has an amazing atmosphere and is a great location for families, couples, backpackers, and business.

How to get from the airport to the city centre?

O'Hare Airport has several different transport options available. Trains such as the CTA "L" and Metra offer easy and economical travel. Also, a number of airport shuttles and regional buses service O'Hare, offering transportation for passengers in the city, suburbs and surrounding states.

Train: The Blue Line "L" train is open 24/7 and is probably the most efficient and cheapest way to get to your destination. It takes around 45 mins and costs about $5. It is located within O'Hare and you can get it from T1, T2 or T3.

Taxi/Rideshare: Both taxis and rideshare services are available at O'Hare Airport. It usually takes around 30 mins, but that really depends on the time of day you are traveling, it would cost around $30-$40.

Bus: While there are regional buses, the easiest option is the "Go Airport Express" Services which offers door-to-door downtown coverage including most Chicago neighbourhoods and suburbs.

Do I need a Visa to visit Chicago?

A visitor, or temporary, visa is required of all visitors seeking to enter the USA with the exception of nationals of Canada and the 37 countries that participate in the Visa Waiver Program. For more information please visit the US Travel department page. Travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program Requires ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) Approval. It's easy to apply for one online but be sure to have it completed at least 72 hours before your trip or you could be denied entry. For more information please visit Aer Lingus Passport and Visas.

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Book Manchester to Chicago flight deals*

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* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.