Birmingham to Cork Flights on Aer Lingus

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Birmingham to Cork Flights

Aer Lingus operates a number of flights from Birmingham to Cork with a range of great deals on offer.

Cork Airport

Cork Airport has great options for shopping and eating both before and after the security screening area. Wi-fi is provided throughout the airport and if you will be spending a extended amount of time in Cork airport there is also an executive lounge. The airport also has two hotels near by with fully equipped meeting rooms.

Transport from Cork Airport

The best options to get from Cork Airport to Cork city centre is by Car, Bus or Taxi. There is no train service directly to the airport. The Airport is located just outside the city so you should be there in about 20 mins depending on traffic.

By car: just 3 miles from Cork City the Airport is located on the south end of the N27 with clear signpost on route.

By bus: Bus Eireann operates a bus service directly from the airport to Cork City every 45 mins. It usually takes around 20 mins.

By Taxi: A taxi rank is located right outside the main terminal and should cost around €13 to the city centre.

Things to do in Cork:

Located at the southern tip of Ireland, Cork is Ireland second largest City. Whether you are looking to dive into some history or want to taste some of the finest food Ireland has to offer, Cork has it all.

The English Market

Trading since 1788 "The English Market" offers visitors amazing local produce from artisan breads to freshly caught seafood. Samples are available at many of the stalls and it's a great place to grab a coffee and wander.

Cork City Gaol

Reopened in 1993 as a tourist attraction this historic gaol initially opened in 1824 and held both male and female prisoners. Although it was refurbished it still holds it's spooky atmosphere and is a must see for any history buffs.

Blarney Castle and Blarney Stone

Easily one of Irelands most talked about attractions the Blarney stone is said to give anyone who kisses it the "gift of the gab". Blarney Castle offers visitors a spectacular view of the surrounding countryside as well as dungeons and a excellent gardens.

Fota Wildlife Park

Is a unique family experience that allows animals (as much as possible) to roam free around the grounds. Giraffes roam freely around the central enclosure and lemurs may even join you for lunch! The park is quite large and requires half a day at least to get round.

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* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.