Bristol to New York Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Bristol to New York Flights

One of the most famous cities in the world, if you have the chance to visit NYC you have to take it. New York has an atmosphere unlike any other city in the world, it's constantly moving, there's always something unique or amazing happening somewhere, it's no wonder they call it the "city that never sleeps".

JFK Airport

JFK is big! With 6 terminals (they number them 1-8 as terminal 3 and 6 were demolished a few years ago) there are tonnes of amenities to enjoy. There a several airport lounges which you can use for a fee and at Terminal 4 there is even a church! JFK has free Wi-Fi, which can come in handy if you have a long layover or are just looking for travel information. One thing to be aware of is that JFK is quite far from the City. Be prepared to spend at least an hour getting to Manhattan in a taxi.

How far is it from Bristol to New York?

It's approximately 3,359 miles (5,405km) to New York from Bristol, flight time is usually around 7-8 hours. But with our excellent on flight entertainment you can sit back and relax, plus with pre-clearance in Dublin you can land in New York like a local, with no need to go through customs when you arrive.

How many days do you need in New York?

Even people who move to New York may only end up scratching the surface. Home to over 8.5m people NYC is constantly evolving, new places open and close all the time. But if you are really determined you could cover quite a lot in 4-5 days. Things like; Central Park, MoMA, Broadway, The Guggenheim, Madison Square Garden...the list is endless!

What are the best months to visit New York City?

New York experiences season variations. There can be heatwaves in the Summer, August is usually in the high 20s, which in a city like New York can feel a lot hotter. Winter is usually in the minus numbers and snowfall is not uncommon. Crowds can be smaller in Spring and the temperature is usually more acceptable. Fall in New York is also particularly beautiful with the changing of the season.

Do I need a Visa?

You won't need a Visa (if you are a British or European citizen), but you will need to complete an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization). It's easy to apply for one online but be sure to have it completed at least 72 hours before your trip or you could be denied entry. An ESTA costs $14.


No matter where you go in the US you will need to tip. It's customary to tip around 15%-20%, this is true of almost all services including bars, taxis and restaurant servers. And it's not just in the movies, hotel staff will expect a couple of dollars as well.

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Book Bristol to New York flight deals*

FromBristol (BRS)ToNew York (JFK)Each way
18 Nov 2024 - 25 Nov 2024



Seen: 40 minutes ago

FromBristol (BRS)ToNew York (JFK)Each way
21 Nov 2024 - 25 Nov 2024



Seen: 44 minutes ago

FromBristol (BRS)ToNew York (JFK)Each way
18 Nov 2024 - 22 Nov 2024



Seen: 40 minutes ago

* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.