Chicago to Edinburgh Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Flights from Chicago to Edinburgh

Aer Lingus offers regular connecting service between Chicago and Edinburgh. Fly from Chicago to Edinburgh with Aer Lingus and look forward to an Irish welcome on board.

Why fly Chicago to Edinburgh with Aer Lingus?

Book your flight to Edinburgh with Aer Lingus and enjoy a warm Irish welcome onboard with complimentary meal and beverage service as well as a wide range of blockbuster movies, classic films, TV programmes and box sets or music videos at your leisure. Play games or stay connected with Wi-Fi and our mobile network inflight.

How long is the flight from Chicago to Edinburgh?

The total flight time from Chicago to Edinburgh is approximately 7 hours and 30 minutes. The total distance is 3710 miles/5970 km.

Things to do and places to see in Edinburgh

With an abundance of history, top quality attractions and beautiful architecture, Scotland’s capital city Edinburgh is a city that you won't forget in a hurry. Explore the Medieval Old Town and the elegant Georgian New Town, which sit side by side, and visit unique attractions throughout the city on a holiday in Edinburgh.

  • Edinburgh Castle
    Situated at the top of the Royal Mile on top of Castle Rock, Edinburgh Castle is the number one visitor attraction in Scotland and the most iconic building in the city. Perched on top of an extinct volcano, the Castle and its Esplanade offers unparalleled views of Edinburgh.
  • The Real Mary King's Close
    An experience rooted in social history, this one-hour character-guided tour also includes an immersive walk-through of the city’s uniquely preserved streets and spaces; all located underneath Edinburgh’s famous Royal Mile.
  • Scotch Whisky Experience
    Take a sensational journey through a replica distillery, before your expert guide imparts the secrets of the Whisky regions. Finally, you'll choose your perfect 'dram', and taste it in The World's Largest Whisky Collection.

How to get from the airport to the city centre?

The airport is located approximately 13km/8mi away from the city centre and only has one terminal, but despite this is one of the busiest airports in the UK. The easiest and most hassle-free ways to get to the city centre from the airport are by taxi, bus or tram.

Taxi: A taxi can be a good option for passengers staying near the airport or for a large group. The black taxis (cabs) in Edinburgh accept up to 5 passengers and the price to the city centre is between £ 25 and £ 35, and the journey takes about 20 minutes.

Bus: You can find all the bus stops right outside the terminal. Tickets for the Airlink 100, taking you straight to the city centre (20min. journey), can be purchased from the driver as you board using contactless card payment or the exact cash fare. Other bus routes and companies will accept either online bookings or payment onboard using cash or contactless card payment.

Tram: Trams are one of the easiest ways and cheapest (£ 2) ways to get to and from the airport with fast and frequent services to the city centre. Trams depart every 7 minutes between 07:00 - 19:00 and every 15 minutes out-with these hours, with an end-to-end journey of just 30 minutes.

Do I need a Visa to visit Edinburgh?

The documents necessary to travel to Edinburgh depend on the nationality of the traveller. Scotland has been part of the United Kingdom since the eighteenth century; therefore, to visit Edinburgh or any other part of Scotland has the same requirements needed to enter any of the countries that make up the UK. For more information please visit Aer Lingus Passport and Visas.

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* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.