Manchester to Bridgetown Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Flexible Flights from Manchester to Barbados

We know how important flexibility is for you. That's why we've made booking with us more flexible than ever. More information about flexible flight options here.

Why Fly Manchester to Barbados with Aer Lingus?

You need truly little reason to book flights to Barbados from Manchester. Barbados is known for having some of the most beautiful beaches anywhere in the world. The Caribbean coast on the west is famous for its aquamarine waters and white sandy beaches, while the on the east coast are exhilarating to visit, with big rollers and dramatic scenery. Visitors are drawn to Barbados for the beauty of the coastal and marine environment and the warm and inviting nature of the people. This allows Barbados to claim a significant rate of return visitation, one of the highest in the Caribbean.

How Many Flights are there between Manchester and Barbados?

Aer Lingus direct flights from Manchester to Bridgetown Barbados 3 times weekly between November and April, meaning there is always a perfect time for you to fly to catch some winter sun in beautiful Barbados.

How long is the flight Manchester to Barbados?

The total flight duration from Manchester to Barbados is 8 hours 30 minutes. During your flight to Barbados, our cabin crew will ensure your journey is safe and comfortable. Sit back and enjoy our service, great food, and in-flight entertainment.

Top 5 Things to Do in Barbados

  1. Beaches: Barbados being an island has a lot of beautiful sandy beaches to show off. Chill out, sun tan, swim, jog or read a book in peace at our three favourite Barbados beaches: Crane beach, Rockley beach or Holetown beach. You will be able to rent a chair or a sun lounger at the beach. There are also coffee shops and small restaurants nearby where you can admire the beautiful sea during the day and catch a sun set in the evening.
  2. Bridgetown: The capital city of Bridgetown is the largest city in Barbados and holds plenty of attractions. Take a stroll through the historic city and admire amazing sites including Barbados' Garrison, Parliament Buildings or St Michael's Cathedral and many more.
  3. Nightlife at Saint Lawrence Gap: Saint Lawrence Gap, also known as "Gap " is a street stretching for over 1.5km full of bars, restaurants and nightclubs packed together. This is the centre of night life in Barbados. Whether you are looking for a quiet drink, a meal with friends or a crazy night out, the "Gap" will have something for you.
  4. Golf: Given the historical connection to the UK, Barbados has a strong offer for every golf enthusiast. In fact, Barbados hosted the World Golf Championships World Cup back in 2006. The weather and great facilities make Barbados the perfect place to play some Golf.
  5. Dive deep with Atlantis: Take a dive in the Atlantis submarine and admire the underwater life, colourful reefs and shipwrecks stuck at the bottom of the sea. The Atlantis is a 50ft submarine that can hold up to 48 passengers. It can dive as deep as 150 feet and provide an unforgettable experience for you and your family. Make sure you book your place in advance!

How to Get from Barbados Airport (Grantley Adams airport international airport) to Bridgetown

Grantley Adams airport international airport is the largest airport on the Island. It is located approximately 17km (about 10.56 mi) west of Bridgetown. There are many transport options available at the airport to get you to the city centre or to any other part of the Island.

Taxi: Taxis are available at the airport. It's the fastest way to get to town. The journey takes 15 -20 minutes, and the fare will be approximately $20-$23. There is an additional charge for excess luggage. In cases where a passenger has excess luggage and requires a van, the rate charged is one and a half times the normal rate.

Bus: There are buses available at the airport to take you to Bridgetown. The service runs every 30 minutes, every day of the week. The journey to Bridgetown takes approximately 45 minutes and will cost you only $2

When is the Cheapest Time to Fly to Barbados?

Generally speaking, the cheapest time to fly to Barbados is during the month of November. This is at the end of their rainy season which runs from June to November.

What is the best day of the week to Book Flights to Barbados?

At Aer Lingus we release our Sale Fares on a Tuesday. This is probably the best day of the week to book flights to Barbados. Wednesdays are less popular travel days so often will have lower fares available and be the cheapest days of the week to fly.

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Book Manchester to Bridgetown flight deals*

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FromManchester (MAN)ToBridgetown (BGI)Each way
31 Dec 2024 - 12 Jan 2025



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FromManchester (MAN)ToBridgetown (BGI)Each way
8 Nov 2024 - 17 Nov 2024



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* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.

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