Dublin to Dubrovnik Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Flights from Dublin to Dubrovnik

Aer Lingus operates nonstop flights between Dublin and Dubrovnik. Fly from Dublin to Dubrovnik with Aer Lingus and look forward to an Irish welcome on board.

Why fly Dublin to Dubrovnik with Aer Lingus?

Since 1936 we've had the pleasure of flying hundreds of millions of people from all around the world. Taking care of people is in our DNA and we look forward to looking after many generations to come. We're simply people who do everything we can for the people who fly with us. At Aer Lingus, you're very welcome. 

How long is the flight from Dublin to Dubrovnik?

The total flight time from Dublin to Dubrovnik is approximately 3 hours. The total distance is 1350 miles/2170 km.

Things to do and places to see in Dubrovnik

  • City Walls in the Old Town: The trademark of the city, the Walls of Dubrovnik surround the Old Town, probably the most interesting part of Dubrovnik with styles of architecture like Renaissance, Gothic and Baroque. The walls, which are 1940 meters long with 6 fortresses, were also one of Dubrovnik Game Of Thrones filming locations.
  • Lokrum Island: A place with several natural attractions, including some spots where the famous Game of Thrones TV series was filmed, Lokrum Island is positioned right off the coast of Dubrovnik. With its old Benedictine monastery and walking trails along the shaded alleys, the isle gives an unforgettable impression.
  • Srđ hill: Mount Srđ, a low mountain just behind the walled city, offers a spectacular view of Dubrovnik. It has a height of 412 metres and it is probably the most popular viewpoint of the city.

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